• Casual Luxury

    Von Perez handbags are a blend of relaxed, everyday style with high-end quality and craftsmanship. Our focus is comfort and ease of wear while still giving you a refined look.

  • Vintage Elegance

    Our goal with every piece is to capture a sense of heritage by using vintage elements like bold top-stitching, sophisticated color palettes, distressed authentic leathers, and patchwork designs.

  • Cultural Vibes

    We often find global inspiration and use cultural prints that give our designs a worldly, eclectic feel. The goal is to connect to deeper stories and celebrate cultural identities in a wearable way.

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  • Small-Batch Production

    In an effort to remain exclusive and stay committed to our "no waste" philosophy, we focus on one of a kind and limited-edition pieces.

  • Timeless Designs

    We don't follow trends. Our goal is to always create a unique piece that surpasses trends and can be carried and remain stylish for years to come.

  • Made in the USA

    Every Von Perez piece is made in a smoke free, pet free studio in Alabama. This adds to the exclusivity and quality of each piece.

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Behind the scenes...